AR Cyborgs are Here.
And you’re one of them.
“Technological development makes us more independent from nature. At the same time, at a different level, it makes us more dependent on nature’s whims.”
― Slavoj Žižek
The galaxy is a patterned ecosystem, composed of stars orbiting one another yada yada yada. For centuries now, people have been exploring what can be found in the depths of nature, the cosmos, beyond what we can even perceive… but -
— capitalist tech has distracted us all from pure curiosity.
In the last five hundred years, there have been so many discoveries among the highest scientific circles. In the last century, human knowledge has been overrun by rampant ideology, fed to us by technology.
By design, our lives are no longer about the universe, but the technological metaverse.
“The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.”
― Karl Marx
“There seems to be a perverse and literally anti-humanist identification with the ‘dark will’ of capital and technology, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities.”
— Nick Land
Humanity strays further and further and further from a rigorous definition of “real”: The only Real is augmented-
— and people are already using their devices — along with the internet — as extensions of their minds.
Soon, there will be overlapping meta-economies, entire lives you can buy, with themed holographic mediascapes projecting over a collapsing surface reality. Hive minds will assemble to dominate the entire structure of democracy.
People will be totally immersed in their invisible lives.
“Whatever the country, capitalist or socialist, man was everywhere crushed by technology, made a stranger to his own work, imprisoned, forced into stupidity.”
— Simone de Beauvoir
People today spend most of their lives immersed in some kind of artificial construct. This leaves us vulnerable, with limited knowledge about ourselves and our place in the environment.
Thus, insofar as we rely on air to breathe (at the very least),