On Magic and Alchemy

How to Induce Synkrony.

A Guide to Wielding Inner-Outer World Synchronicity.

4 min readJan 9, 2023


“Synchronous” comes from the ancient Greek “sunkhronos”:

σύν = sun = connected

χρόνος = khronos = time

σύγχρονος = sunkhronos = connected + time

A certain Norwegian Bokmål term shares the same root, but which has more conventional inflection:

  • The adjective synchronous” = synkron”.
  • The singular noun synchronicity” = synkrony”.
  • The plural noun “synchronicities” = synkrona”.
  • The adjective “synchronized” = synkronic.

Synkrony is the linchpin of the natural and spiritual world.

“[Synkrony] means the simultaneous occurrence of a psychic state with one or more external events, which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state.”

— Carl Jung, CW 8, Page 441

Rather than ask why something happened (i.e. what caused it), Jung asked: What did it happen for? This same tendency appears in physics: Many modern physicists are now looking more for “connections” in nature than for causal laws (determinism).”

― Marie-Louise von Franz

Whether we notice or not, our lives are full of symbolic accidents that make us feel like we’re part of a larger cosmic story.

Each of us are guided by forces of our own fate.

Fate occurs in two forms (synkronic and diakronic):

Synkrony* occurs when we experience meaningful coincidences that feel like fate:

accident → meaning → accident…

Diakrony* is when something is “reacted to” in order for something else to be generated:

result → reaction → result…

Both of which are deeply seated in physical laws as well as the “laws of meaning” from which we derive things like belief, ethics, and aesthetics….

Once we start to notice synkronic patterns around us, the fabric of reality then opens itself up to us:

We’re in a simulation; a duplication of a duplication of a duplication etc.

Nature has a mind that sends us signals in a complex and interconnected language via the synkronic nexus.

Examples of various types of synkrony:

Recurring patterns of numbers, words, names, or phrases.

Answered prayers or manifestations.

A tarot reading which acutely describes your life path.

That Earth’s primordial atmosphere was much like that of Venus, but was ejected by the collision of a small planet which became the Moon, making Earth inhabitable; even further, the Moon ended up positioned to have the same visual diameter as the Sun from the surface of Earth, so that our solar eclipse lets us see the solar corona.

Luck itself, good or bad.

The probability of any individual one of us existing being 1 in 10^2,700,000 (1 in 10 followed by 2.7 million zeros).

How to self-induce synkrony:

If calm and present in your thoughts and attention, time will slow down, energy will surround you and synkrony will begin to occur; things will begin to reveal themselves to you as fundamentally connected.

If you pay proper attention to patterns, coincidences, and meaningful accidents, your own fate will gradually begin to appear…. then you will have attained synkrony.

*Further notes:

Diachrony” (diakrony) has ancient Greek etymology:

δια = dia = across

διαχρόνος = across + time

Sunkhronos, in essence, means “connected to time” (about convergence and connection), where diakhronos means “over time” (about divergence and difference).




Written by arcanexhuman

I make systems of logic and belief.

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