Modus Operandī of Love.

2 min readJan 23, 2023
love /ləv/ (verb): to intensely want or admire.

The goal of philosophical predicate logic — as evident in the name — isn’t about creating proofs, but analyzing philosophical claims.*


“Love” and “leave” both share the PIE (Proto-Indo-European) root lewbh, which means “to care”.


Love is the greatest human desire.

L = GDx

"Love (L) is the greatest (G) human (x) desire (D)."

One can love many people, moments, or things.

◇L(xtT⁰ … xtTⁿ)x

"It's possible that one (x) can love (L) any number (0-n) of people (x), moments in time (t), or things (T)."

Love comes from our imagination.

I → L

"Imagination (I) constitutes love (L)."

Love relies on life and visa versa.

□L ⇔ l

"It's necessary that love (L) is biconditional to life (l)."

Love binds the soul together.

L ⥽ s

"Love (L) aggregates the soul (s)."

Loving is a reaction to being loved.

Lx L(x)

"One (x) loves (L) because one is loved."

A love can be shared among several people.

∃L(x² … xⁿ)

"It's necessary that love (L) can exist among several (2 — n) people (x)."

Love is symptom of madness, and visa versa.

L ∈ M ^ M ∈ L

"Love (L) is an element of madness (M), and madness is an element of love."

Souls in love are made of the same substance.

∀Φ ≘ ∃Lsⁿ

"A universal substance (phi) corresponds to some number of souls (s) in love (L)."

Love makes the world a safe and happy place.

L → Ψ

"Love (L) constitutes a safe and happy world (phi)."


L = love ………………. s = soul

I = imagination …….. M = madness

T = thing …………….. l = life

G = greatness ………. D = desire

Φ = a substance

Ψ = a safe and happy world

*🔎📃Ancient Greek etymology of philosophical predicate logic:

φιλοσοφια = philos + sophos = “loving + wisdom” = philosophy

ῥῆμα = rhema = “utterance, thing said” = predicate/verb

λόγος = logos = “discourse, reason” = proposition/sentence

ὄνομα = onoma = “name, object” = subject/noun

🗡a x h 🖋




Written by arcanexhuman

I make systems of logic and belief.

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