Dictionary of Philosophical Logic

Modus Operandī of Nostalgia.

3 min readJan 10, 2023
nostalgia /nəˈstaljə/ (noun): a sentimental reminiscence for a particular moment or feeling.

The goal of philosophical predicate logic — as evident in the name — isn’t about creating proofs, but analyzing philosophical claims.

🔎📃Ancient Greek etymology of philosophical predicate logic:

φιλοσοφια = philos + sophos = “loving + wisdom” = philosophy

ῥῆμα = rhema = “utterance, thing said” = predicate/verb

λόγος = logos = “discourse, reason” = proposition/sentence

ὄνομα = onoma = “name, object” = subject/noun


Nostalgia = nostos + algos = return + pain:

νόστος = nostos = “return”

άλγος = algos = “pain”


Nostalgia is a fond remembrance or longing for another time.

.N ≡ M ⌄ L→¬ zx.

"Nostalgia (N) is defined as a fond memory (M) or longing (L) for a time which isn't our own (not zx)."

We can have nostalgia for the future.

.∀(∃◇R(G zx N)).

"Universally, there exists a possible relation (R) such that we (x), in a real moment (z) can have nostalgia (N) for what's going to happen (G)."

We can have nostalgia for times when nothing existed, let alone ourselves, or the things that seem to matter to us.

.∀(∃R x, p, q ∈ N).

"Universally, there exists a possible relation (R) between ourselves (x), times when nothing existed (p), and things that seem to matter to us, (q) which are elements of nostalgia (N)."

Nostalgia is about empathy and not experience.


"Nostalgia (N) is an element of empathy (E) and not of experience (XP)."

Nostalgia enriches our memories and fantasies.


"Our (x) nostalgia (N) is enriched (e) by our memory (M) and fantasy (f)."

Everyone is entitled to their memories and nostalgia.


"It's permitted (P) that memories (M) and nostalgia (N) are consequential to everyone (all x)."

Nostalgia comes with distance.


"Nostalgia (N) is biconditional to distance (D)."

Nostalgia is an aspect of romance, but also of agony.

.N ∈ r ^ a.

"Nostalgia (N) is an element of romance (r) and agony (a).”

Memories distort their constituent moments.

.M ↭ z.

"Memory (M) misconstrues real moments (z)."

Nostalgia and memories make us thoughtful, and thoughts provoke more memories.

.N ^ M→ Tx.

"Nostalgia (N) and memory (M) are conditional to our (x) thoughts (T)."


N = nostalgia ……………… M = memory

T = thought(s) …………….. E = empathy

XP = experience ………….. D = distance

z = real moment(s) ………. x = individual(s)

e = enrichment ……………. r = romance

a = agony ………………….. f = fantasy

p = times when nothing existed

q = things that seem to matter to us

🗡a x h 🖋




Written by arcanexhuman

I make systems of logic and belief.

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