Pseudo-Hegelian Memetics (Process via Paradox)
“If Hegel had written the whole of his logic and then said … that it was merely an experiment in thought … then he would certainly have been the greatest thinker who had ever lived. As it is, he is merely comic.”
— Søren Kierkegaard, Journals (Torchbooks)
We’re condemned by science to imagine evolution in linear terms of biology or even physics, though in spite of their appearance, disparate emergences of phenomena are identical in their capacity to unfold laterally to what we’d expect to perceive in sequence.
Most can agree that, at least on a subjective level, consciousness undergoes a nominal “meta-evolution”, and though our behavior in how we interface with the macrophysical adapts over time, the abilities of our cognitive faculty have essentially remained the same.
I.e., particles of light are natured to hit the human eye in an unchanging way, though there exists a number of different ways of categorizing visual phenomena in differently accultured civilizations, at different times.
Hegel’s philosophy is based on the insight that everything can be questioned except logic, because logic — along with metaphysics being the study of logic — provides a fundamental prerequisite for every problem.
At some point, the categorization of ideas within a society and/or culture is uniquely detached from a strict semblance of objectivity.
We are brainlets, yet have divine vibes.
A culture can change its understanding of understanding itself to change how it understands. In the same way, changing our awareness of memory can alter how we memorize.
We could say necessarily, memory isn’t an element of time, but time is certainly that of memory (also that of understanding). However, changing our understanding of time has no known impact on how time within moments is perceived.
This is to say, the human brain has qualic sample rates from which sense experiences are exported. This alludes to the fact that parts of consciousness are fixed, other parts are fluid. Hence, consciousness is uniquely omni-dimensional in that it’s the incarnate self-sameness with which we can take part in temporal reality: a many-aspect memetic dynamism which rotates the wheels of history.
Memes are the velvet underground banana of time and space.
Hegel’s ideas are usually posed as the culmination of a philosophical movement known as “German Idealism”, born in the ashes of Immanuel Kant and his so-called ‘’critical” philosophy, blah-blah-blah-yap.
What’s important is that German idealism was particularly centered around how the universal ideal manifests itself in our minds to connect with perception through a theoretic discorporate medium: a meta-formal realm.
On the surface, Hegel packaged his dialectical trend into a self-perfecting Phenomenology of Spirit and history, which was a larger shift in thought for philosophers dealing in epistemology or metaphysical absolutes, about how to connect with the purpose of an “ultimate” reality.
Hegel’s use of phenomenological procedures in his ontological development constitute a meme masterpiece. To him, objective reality relies on thought itself.
Memes are not just part of the world, they are the soil of its concept.
To create a systemic process philosophy is to create a system of memes — a system for “thought organizations” themselves to become self-aware — which would be to finish the project of German idealism.
But like any philosopher, there’s Hegel’s words, then secondary Hegelian literature, and tertiary (so on): a taxa of Hegelian logical systems generating their own dialectical argumentation and are only accepted as “rationalistic” when projecting ultimate reality as the simulation of a mind or idea.
Hegel’s entire philosophy is read by his academic precursors as a critique of Kantianism, as well as a fundamental implication of positivism. Thus in turn, his idealism formed the basis of “absolute idealism” for many new philosophers, artists, and metaphysicians….
But many things which aren’t identifiably Hegelian are still Hegelian in nature.
In fact, the perfect Hegelian system of the current time is internet memes, because imitation in itself is a many-leveled emergence.
Hegel’s logic is essentially meme rune magic.
Hegel’s constantly making ontologically deterministic claims in his works, positing a teleological end such that we’re each a means by which the absolute spirit can autonomously tesselate. This at first seems to contradict his own position on the free will and rationality of individuals, but these properties are us, in a sense; to say we’re bound by them just isn’t technically precise.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels memeified Hegel’s logical method into the philosophy of “dialectical materialism”, from which the reduced tripartite: thesis, antithesis, synthesis, generates from. Hegel explicitly applies the term dialectics to the method of his initial philosophy — but never suggests the exact logical framework which his predecessors lay out.
It’s important to remember that Hegel was not a spiritual monist, but a rational monist, holding that reason is the foundation of all reality. He was also an absolute idealist, which means he claimed to have thought the ultimate driving force in the development of the world is the power of the Absolute Idea.
Like Fichte and Schelling, Hegel brought to light the constraints imposed by Kant’s transcendental ideal in order to complete the idealist revolution that he’d begun.
Kant’s goal was to pierce the membrane between English empiricism and French rationalism, with the central idea that both observation and reason are vital in the development toward freedom: In a vaguely xenophobic argument in the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant has shown that to know something is to objectify it; Hegel advanced upon this very stipulation.
What should be obvious by now is that Hegel’s Truth is designed to be a priori and purely conceptual, requiring no empirical correlates. Though, Hegel is clearly still an empiricist. He asserts that the content of knowledge is derived from experience, albeit at the expense of introducing a distinction between unexperienced and unknowable objects of thought and known objects of experience and knowledge.
The non-sensual “objects” of thought, can be considered synonymous with pure memes.
I believe all enlightenment thinkers made the mistake of taking themselves and each other too seriously, to the point where it was stunting their developments in history of thought, and in culture. Though, Hegel reversed both the Enlightenment concept of reason and its religious antithesis. His reason is equated with transcendental wisdom, which not only exists passively in human history, but also manifests as “purposeful activity” in the course of cosmic history. For him, there is our personal Mind, a World-mind, within a World-history.
Hegelians have a map to the ultimate meme.
Let’s assign the set of these three concepts, <T,Ω,M>, the form M’, which is essentially homomorphous to Hegel’s tripartite of spirit. Any information lost in the homomorphism has been transcended for the sake of comprehensibility.
A version of M’ is depicted below:
Necessarily, those who know they’re using Hegelian rationality to justify beliefs or ideas also know they must treat them as developing descriptions of a super-cognitive world process, with which you have a space of tangential understanding differentiated over a noumenal manifold at a source point of thought and perception.
The absolute truth is holistic — the truth is the whole.
The whole is something which is to be understood — which is why the rational, to Hegel, is synonymous with the real. But truth itself is a spectrum, along with subjectivity. The “transcendental ideal” can be manifested in corporeal reality, made aware to individuals; which is the closest anyone can get to witnessing the thing-in-itself — noumenal reality. Philosophy is a thought machine which claims to do exactly that. But any so-called “philosopher” must first overcome a series of distinct mental states and modes in order to achieve real total freedom and rationality. In other words, imitations are real-life metaphors for each other.
- The subjective experience “evolves”, and does so through memes.
- Hegel memeified philosophy, establishing the essence of the ultimate idea.
- Memes follow a logical map, one based on its own set of principles.
- This map can generate more memes.